German Wwii Planes Drawing Easy

The art of cartoon on aircraft fuselages - nose art - appeared during the First World War.

Californian art historian and antiquarian Bruce Herman argues that the designs on the aircraft are a continuation of European chivalric heraldry traditions.

"The pilots of the Kickoff World War near frequently themselves belonged to ancient noble families and, possibly, seriously perceived themselves as new knights. They even had their ain special chivalry "honor code". During the Middle Ages, knights painted their shields - they painted family unit names on them. coat of arms. It is here that one should look for the origins of the tradition of painting armed forces aircraft, "says Herman.

Information technology is worth noting that the painting of shipping during the First World War is highly professional person and is of existent artistic value.

"Virtually pilots from the beginning of the century before the state of war received a professional artistic teaching," Herman explains.

During the First World War, the pilots did non directly pigment the shipping themselves. Coats of arms, pictures and mottos were drawn on canvas, which was then attached to the wing or tail of the combat vehicle. At auctions, the cost for such works of art can achieve several hundred thousand dollars.

The 2d World War

With the outbreak of World War Ii, the art of painting gainsay aircraft has undergone dramatic changes. Classic stories and classical art disappeared forever from the sides of fighters and bombers. His place was taken past popular cartoon characters.

The fashion for the "war paint" of aircraft apace won the hearts of pilots during the Second World State of war.

"Americans were the about uninventive, but the most active artists," says Herman.

Few people know that the founder of animation - Walt Disney - was also the "godfather" of nose art. Afterward the outbreak of war, the leadership of the United states of america Air Strength hired artists from the Disney studio solely to pigment combat aircraft.

During the war, the Disney studio created gratis sketches of drawings for coloring planes, tanks, and even patches on uniforms. drew not only for the US armed forces, the sketches were requested by military units from the UK, Poland, People's republic of china, New Zealand, Australia, Canada and French republic. For the duration of the war, Disney provided v artists for the needs of the regular army. During World War Ii, one,200 drawings for the military were fatigued at the Disney studio. The most popular hero was Donald Duck. The simply cartoon character who has never been drawn on military machine equipment was Bambi.

Disney himself, who passed every bit a soldier in the Outset world war, in combat conditions, he amused himself by drawing on the helmets of his comrades. However, admirers of Disney's work did not live but in the Usa.

"Disney was furious when he learned that several dozen Luftwaffe fighters had his Mikiy Mouse painted on the fuselage," says Herman.

In addition to animation, the main source of inspiration for war artists was Esquire magazine. Nearly frequently, the pictures of Esquire artist Alberto Vargas were reproduced on the fuselages of bombers and fighters.

Nose art 1945-2003

After the finish of the Second Globe War, nose art gained wide popularity. Now well-nigh the pictures that decorate combat aircraft, they know not but in the sky, just also on the ground.

In the West, extensive catalogs of symbols and drawings made on aircraft during various armed forces conflicts are published.

The plot of the moving picture about oft depends on the nature of the conflict.

Information technology is worth noting that in that location are practically no unpainted aircraft, for example, in the US Air Force. In that location are even pictures on height-cloak-and-dagger B-two and F-117 bombers. But in club to avert misunderstandings, their pilots depict exclusively on the within of the flop bay doors or other surfaces that are invisible to the authorities.

Officially, the only air force unit immune to paint aircraft is the 23rd Fighting Group "Flight Tigers".

Once on the site, nosotros held an Air Parade contest dedicated to the anniversary of the Victory, where readers were asked to guess the names of some of the almost famous aircraft of Globe War 2 past their silhouettes. The contest has been completed, and now we are publishing photos of these combat vehicles. We offering to call back what the winners and the vanquished fought in the sky.

Edition PM

Federal republic of germany

Messerschmitt Bf.109

In fact, a whole family of German language combat vehicles, total which (33,984 pieces) makes the 109th i of the almost massive aircraft of World War II. Information technology was used as a fighter, fighter-bomber, fighter-interceptor, reconnaissance shipping. Information technology was as a fighter that the Messer earned notoriety from Soviet pilots - at the initial stage of the state of war, Soviet fighters, such as the I-16 and LaGG, were clearly inferior in technical terms to the Bf.109 and suffered heavy losses. Simply the appearance of more avant-garde aircraft, such as the Yak-ix, allowed our pilots to fight with the "Messers" near on an equal ground. The most massive modification of the auto was the Bf.109G ("Gustav").

Messerschmitt Bf.109

Messerschmitt Me.262

The plane was remembered not for its special function in the Second Earth War, just for the fact that it turned out to be the starting time jet aviation on the battlefield. The Me.262 began to be designed even earlier the state of war, but Hitler'south real interest in the project arose simply in 1943, when the Luftwaffe had already lost its gainsay power. The Me.262 possessed speed (about 850 km/h), altitude and charge per unit of climb that were unique for its fourth dimension, and therefore had serious advantages over whatever fighter of that time. In reality, for 150 Allied aircraft shot downwards, 100 Me.262s were lost. The low effectiveness of combat employ was due to the "dampness" of the pattern, little feel in the use of jet aircraft and bereft grooming of pilots.

Messerschmitt Me.262



Junkers Ju 87 Stuka

The Ju 87 swoop bomber, which was produced in several modifications, became a kind of precursor of modern precision weapons, since the bombs were not high altitude, but from a steep dive, which made it possible to more than accurately aim the ammunition. Information technology was very effective in the fight against tanks. Due to the specifics of the application in conditions of loftier overloads, the machine was equipped with automatic air brakes to exit the top in the result of a loss of consciousness by the airplane pilot. To raise the psychological event, the pilot, during the set on, turned on the "Jericho Trumpet" - a device that emitted a terrible howl. One of the well-nigh famous aces pilots who flew the Stuka was Hans-Ulrich Rudel, who left rather boastful memories of the war on the Eastern Front.

Junkers Ju 87 Stuka

Focke-Wulf Fw 189 Uhu

The tactical reconnaissance aircraft Fw 189 Uhu is interesting primarily for its unusual two-beam design, for which the Soviet soldiers nicknamed information technology "Rama". And information technology was on the Eastern Front that this reconnaissance scout turned out to be the about useful to the Nazis. Our fighters knew well that after the "Rama" bombers would fly in and strike at reconnoitered targets. But to shoot downwardly this dull-moving aircraft was not and so easy because of its high maneuverability and fantabulous survivability. When approaching Soviet fighters he could, for example, begin to describe circles of small radius, in which high speed cars just couldn't fit in.

Focke-Wulf Fw 189 Uhu

Probably the most recognizable Luftwaffe bomber was developed in the early 1930s under the guise of a noncombatant send aircraft(The cosmos of the German Air Force was prohibited by the Treaty of Versailles). At the beginning of Globe State of war II, the Heinkel-111 was the most massive Luftwaffe bomber. He became 1 of the main characters in the Battle of England - it was the result of Hitler's attempt to intermission the will to resist the British through massive bombing raids on the cities of Foggy Albion (1940). Fifty-fifty then information technology became clear that this medium bomber was obsolete, information technology lacked speed, maneuverability and security. Nevertheless, the shipping continued to be used and produced until 1944.


Boeing B-17 Flying Fortress

The American "flying fortress" during the state of war constantly increased its security. In improver to excellent survivability (in the form, for instance, of the ability to render to base with one engine out of four), the heavy bomber received thirteen machine guns in the B-17G modification. A tactic was adult in which "flying fortresses" walked over enemy territory in a checkerboard pattern, protecting each other with crossfire. The shipping was equipped with a high-tech Norden bombsight for that fourth dimension, congenital on the footing of an analog computer. If the British bombed the Third Reich mainly at night, then the "flying fortresses" were not afraid to announced over Germany during daylight hours.

Boeing B-17 Flying Fortress

Avro 683 Lancaster

One of the main participants in the Allied bomber raids on Germany, a British heavy bomber of World War II. The Avro 683 Lancaster deemed for ¾ of the entire bomb load thrown by the British on the 3rd Reich. The carrying capacity allowed the four-engine shipping to take on lath "blockbusters" - super-heavy physical-piercing bombs Tallboy and Yard Slam. Depression security suggested the use of Lancasters as night bombers, just nighttime bombing was not very accurate. During the day, these aircraft suffered significant losses. The Lancasters took an active part in the virtually devastating bomb raids of World War 2 - on Hamburg (1943) and Dresden (1945).

Avro 683 Lancaster

North American P-51 Mustang

Ane of the almost iconic fighters of the Second World State of war, which played an exceptional role in the events on the Western Front. No matter how the Allied heavy bombers defended themselves when raiding Germany, these large, depression-maneuverable and relatively dull-moving aircraft suffered heavy losses from German fighter aircraft. North American, commissioned by the British government, urgently created a fighter that could not only successfully fight the Messers and Fokkers, merely also have sufficient range (due to external tanks) to accompany bomber raids on the continent. When the Mustangs began to be used in this capacity in 1944, it became clear that the Germans had finally lost the air war in the West.

North American P-51 Mustang

Supermarine Spitfire

The primary and most massive fighter of the British Air Force during the war, i of the best fighters of the Second World War. Its high-altitude and speed characteristics fabricated information technology an equal rival to the High german Messerschmitt Bf.109, and the skill of the pilots played an of import role in the head-to-caput battle of these two machines. Spitfires proved to be first-class, covering the evacuation of the British from Dunkirk afterward the success of the Nazi blitzkrieg, and and so during the Battle of U.k. (July-October 1940), when British fighters had to fight similar German language bombers He-111, Do-17, Ju 87, as well as with Bf. 109 and Bf.110.

Supermarine Spitfire


Mitsubishi A6M Raisen

At the first of World War Two, the Japanese carrier-based fighter A6M Raisen was the best in the world in its course, even though its proper name contained the Japanese discussion "Rei-sen", that is, "zero fighter". Thank you to the external tanks, the fighter had a high flying range (3105 km), which made information technology indispensable for participating in raids on the body of water theater of operations. Among the aircraft involved in the attack on Pearl Harbor were 420 A6Ms. The Americans learned lessons from dealing with the nimble, quick-climbing Japanese, and by 1943 their fighter aircraft had surpassed their once unsafe enemy.

Mitsubishi A6M Raisen

The most massive swoop bomber of the USSR began to be produced even earlier the state of war, in 1940, and remained in service until the Victory. The low-fly aircraft with two engines and double fins was a very progressive machine for its time. In particular, information technology provided for a pressurized cabin and electric remote control (which, due to its novelty, became the source of many issues). In reality, the Pe-ii was not so ofttimes, dissimilar the Ju 87, used precisely as a dive bomber. Virtually often, he bombed areas from level flight or from a gentle, rather than deep dive.


The nigh massive combat shipping in history (36,000 of these "silts" were produced in total) is considered a true legend of the battlefields. One of its features is a load-bearing armored hull, which replaced the frame and pare in nearly of the fuselage. The attack aircraft worked at heights of several hundred meters higher up the ground, becoming not the most difficult target for ground-based anti-shipping weapons and an object of hunting by German fighters. The get-go versions of the Il-2 were congenital unmarried-seat, without a side gunner, which led to rather loftier combat losses among aircraft of this type. And still, the IL-two played its role in all theaters where our army fought, becoming a powerful ways of supporting ground forces in the fight against enemy armored vehicles.


The Yak-3 was a development of the well-proven Yak-1M fighter. In the process of refinement, the wing was shortened and other blueprint changes were made to reduce weight and improve aerodynamics. This light wooden shipping showed an impressive speed of 650 km / h and had first-class low-altitude flight characteristics. Tests of the Yak-3 started at the showtime of 1943, and already during the battle on the Kursk Burl, he entered the battle, where, with the help of a 20-mm ShVAK cannon and ii 12.7-mm Berezin machine guns, he successfully opposed the Messerschmites and Fokkers.


I of the all-time Soviet La-7 fighters, which entered service a year before the end of the war, was a evolution of the LaGG-iii that met the war. All the advantages of the "antecedent" were reduced to 2 factors - loftier survivability and the maximum use of wood in the construction instead of deficient metal. However, the weak engine and heavy weight turned the LaGG-3 into an unimportant opponent of the all-metallic Messerschmitt Bf.109. From LaGG-three to OKB-21 Lavochkin they made La-5, installing a new ASh-82 engine and finalizing the aerodynamics. The modified La-5FN with a additional engine was already an excellent combat vehicle, surpassing the Bf.109 in a number of parameters. In La-vii, the weight was again reduced, and the armament was also strengthened. The plane has get very skilful, even remaining wooden.


U-2, or Po-2, created in 1928, by the beginning of the state of war was certainly a model of obsolete equipment and was not designed at all equally a combat aircraft (a gainsay training version appeared just in 1932). However, in social club to win, this classic biplane had to work as a dark bomber. Its undoubted advantages are ease of functioning, the ability to land outside airfields and take off from small areas, and low noise.


At low gas in the dark, the U-two approached the enemy object, remaining unnoticed almost until the moment of bombing. Since the bombing was carried out from low altitudes, its accuracy was very high, and the "corn" inflicted serious damage on the enemy.

The commodity "Aerial parade of winners and losers" was published in the journal Popular Mechanics (

They began to decorate aircraft with images almost immediately after combat aviation appeared. It is believed that the first drawing practical to the fuselage of an shipping was the image of a sea monster on the olfactory organ of an Italian flight gunkhole in 1913.
Later, drawing a film on an plane was called nose art. Initially, the images on the planes resembled heraldic symbols, similar to those practical to the shields of the ancient knights. It is worth remembering the rearing stallion (cavallino rampante) of the Italian ace Francesco Baracchi. This coat of artillery was afterwards used by Ferrari.

Subsequently, the drawings on the aircraft became more diverse. For example, storks flaunted on the fuselages of French shipping from Escadrille les Cigognes. The most pop nose art became in the U.s.a. Air Force during Globe State of war II. The initiators of the coloring of the aircraft were often not the pilots, but the personnel serving it. Pin-upward had a dandy influence on the evolution of olfactory organ art in the USA. So, the image of a naked pivot-up star of that era, Betty Grable, was emblazoned on many war machine aircraft. In the USSR, such liberties, of course, were not immune, just the drawings on Soviet aircraft of that time were besides distinguished past beauty and composure. Many Soviet viewers were able to get acquainted with the drawings on airplanes thanks to the film "Only "sometime men" go into boxing". On the fuselage of the plane of the squadron commander Alexei Titarenko, played by Leonid Bykov, a musical staff was depicted. The image of notes is non accidental. Such a pic, for case, was on the plane of the Soviet assail pilot Vasily Emelianenko, who had a musical education. Information technology likewise recalls the aeroplane that the Utyosov Ensemble presented to Soviet pilots during the war. Cases when shipping were built at the expense of citizens were not uncommon. Such fighters commonly had an inscription indicating on whose money the machine was created. Sometimes in that location was a small image next to the inscription.

Aircraft La-5 Kostylev in the exposition of the Museum of Defense of Leningrad.

Helm Alexander Lobanov (left) and Major Alexander Pavlov next to the La-5FN, April x, 1945

Lieutenant Zabiyaka G.I. against the background of the nominal Pe-two of the 205th series. The inscription "Zabiyaka" is white, the lightning is yellow

Lieutenant Gennady Tsokolaev. On board - the keepsake "Guard"

Captain Alexander Nikolaevich Kilaberidze of the 65th GIAP in the cockpit of the Yak-9, Belarus

"Lionheart", LaGG-3 Lieutenant Yuri Shchipov, ninth Fighter Aviation Regiment of the Air Strength

Squadron commander of the 566th ShAP Hero Soviet Union Vasily Mykhlyk

The Il-2 "Avenger" was congenital at the expense of the chairman of the collective farm Grigor Tevosyan, whose two brothers died in the state of war. The plane was flown past Nelson Stepanyan.

Georgy Baevsky (right) and mechanic Sobakin confronting the backdrop of the Yak-9U. five GvIAP. Spratau airfield, Federal republic of germany. April 1945

On the tail of LAGG-3 Leonid Galchenko, instead of a red star, a black cat is depicted playing with a mouse. 1942 The cat was originally white

Malyutina Elena Mironovna and her swallow

Flight commander of the 180th Guards Fighter Stalingrad Scarlet Banner Aviation Regiment of the Guard Senior Lieutenant Viktor Lukoshkov confronting the properties of La-5FN, July 19

Major Full general Georgy Zakharov in the cockpit of the Yak-3. On the airplane - George the Victorious, piercing a snake with the caput of Goebbels. Jump 1945

Airplane pilot of the 958th Assail Aviation Regiment, Hero of the Soviet Union Ivan Meylus.

Aerocobra Vyacheslav Sirotin

Hawkeye of Mikhail Avdeev

The airplane of Vasily Emelianenko

Nikolai Proshenkov and his Airacobra

The Yak-9B aircraft of the commander of the 168th IAP, Lieutenant Colonel Grigory Kogrushev.

Captain Aleksey Zakalyuk, 104th GvIAP

Aleksey Alelyukhin's plane

Captain Georgy Urvachev (left)

Fighter pilot Vladimir Dmitriev

Aircraft of Senior Lieutenant Vasily Aleksukhin

Fedor Dobysh and Alexander Pomazunov in front of a Pe-2 with a crocodile

Abrek Barsht's plane

The airplane of Nikolai Didenko

Plane of Vladimir Pokrovsky
Drawing drawings on combat shipping during the Bang-up Patriotic War was non welcome, although they turned a blind middle to this. Drawings on the fuselage began to be applied more often afterward the Boxing of Kursk in 1943, when the initiative passed to the Red Army. Frequently, next to the image on the aeroplane, stars were seen co-ordinate to the number of enemy shipping shot down (for the offset time, Castilian pilots began to do this). On Soviet aircraft, victories could exist indicated by asterisks of several colors. Personal victory was celebrated in one color, shipping shot downwardly in a grouping - in another.
At that place were cases when the fuselage was decorated with the image of the "Gilt Star", received for a victory. Onetime traditions have also been preserved: the nose of a fighter sometimes resembled the oral fissure of a mythical monster. In general, drawings and emblems that frighten the enemy were often applied. For example, a dragon was depicted on the Yak-nine fighter Gugridze, a toothy mouth was on the plane of Georgy Kostylev.
There were no special rules for applying emblems. Each squadron had its own community. Some pilots had their own keepsake, others had a common one for everyone. Often the planes were decorated with cards or a certain accommodate. As a rule, it was an ace. It was usually practical by distinguished pilots. So, the aces were drawn on the La-5 shipping past Alexander Pavlov, on the LaGG-3 by Yuri Shilov.
Those who managed to knock out the German shipping of the famous squadron placed on the fighter an emblem of this squadron pierced past an pointer or entwined with a serpent or another similar symbol. For example, the planes of the squadron of the 9th Guards Regiment, commanded past Alexei Alelyukhin, carried on the sides an keepsake invented by the airplane pilot Evgeny Dranishchev with a leopard trigger-happy his heart. This indicated that the pilots had defeated the aces of 9 Staffel JG 52 (the heart under the cockpit was their distinguishing mark). Animals were often depicted on Soviet military machine aircraft. Bird drawings were also common. So, like images were on the planes of such famous pilots as Mikhail Avdeev, Vladimir Pokrovsky, Vyacheslav Sirotin. Symbolic images, such as arrows and lightning bolts, were especially popular.

They began to decorate aircraft with images almost immediately later combat aviation appeared. The ancestors of this type of painting were Italian and German pilots. It is believed that the commencement cartoon practical to the fuselage of an aircraft was the image of a sea monster on the nose of an Italian flying gunkhole in 1913. Later, drawing a picture on an airplane was called nose art.
Initially, the images on the planes resembled heraldic symbols, similar to those applied to the shields of the ancient knights. It is worth remembering the rearing stallion (cavallino rampante) of the Italian ace Francesco Baracchi. This glaze of arms was afterwards used past Ferrari.

Later, the drawings on the shipping became more diverse. For example, storks flaunted on the fuselages of French aircraft from Escadrille les Cigognes. The most popular nose fine art became in the US Air Force during World War II. The initiators of the coloring of the aircraft were ofttimes non the pilots, but the personnel serving information technology. Pivot-up had a bully influence on the evolution of nose fine art in the USA. Then, the image of a naked pin-up star of that era, Betty Grable, was emblazoned on many military aircraft. In the USSR, such liberties, of course, were not allowed, simply the drawings on Soviet aircraft of that time were also distinguished by beauty and composure. Many Soviet viewers were able to get acquainted with the drawings on airplanes cheers to the film "Only "former men" get into battle". On the fuselage of the plane of the squadron commander Alexei Titarenko, played by Leonid Bykov, a musical staff was depicted. The image of notes is not accidental. Such a picture, for example, was on the plane of the Soviet assault airplane pilot Vasily Emelianenko, who had a musical education. Information technology also recalls the plane that the Utyosov Ensemble presented to Soviet pilots during the war. Cases when aircraft were congenital at the expense of citizens were not uncommon. Such fighters usually had an inscription indicating on whose money the motorcar was created. Sometimes there was a pocket-sized paradigm adjacent to the inscription.

Photo: Kostylev's La-five shipping on brandish at the Petrograd Defense Museum.

Photograph: Captain Alexander Lobanov (left) and Major Alexander Pavlov adjacent to the La-5FN, Apr 10, 1945

Photo: Lieutenant Zabiyaka One thousand.I. against the background of the nominal Pe-2 of the 205th series. The inscription "Zabiyaka" is white, the lightning is yellow

Photograph: Lieutenant Gennady Tsokolaev. On lath - the keepsake "Baby-sit"

Photograph: Captain Alexander Nikolaevich Kilaberidze of the 65th GIAP in the cockpit of the Yak-9, Belarus

Photo: "Lionheart", LaGG-3 Lieutenant Yuri Shchipov, 9th Fighter Aviation Regiment of the Air Force

Photo: Squadron commander of the 566th ShAP Hero of the Soviet Union Vasily Mykhlik

Photo: The Il-ii "Avenger" was built at the expense of the chairman of the collective farm Grigor Tevosyan, whose two brothers died in the war. The plane was flown past Nelson Stepanyan.

Photograph: Georgy Baevsky (correct) and mechanic Sobakin in forepart of the Yak-9U. 5 GvIAP. Spratau airfield, Germany. April 1945

Photo: On the tail of LAGG-three Leonid Galchenko, instead of a red star, a black true cat is depicted playing with a mouse. 1942 The cat was originally white

Photo: Malyutina Elena Mironovna and her swallow

Photograph: Commander of the 180th Guards Fighter Stalingrad Red Imprint Aviation Regiment of the Guard Senior Lieutenant Viktor Lukoshkov against the backdrop of La-5FN

Photo: Major General Georgy Zakharov in the cockpit of the Yak-three. On the plane - George the Victorious, piercing a snake with the head of Goebbels. Leap 1945

Photo: Pilot of the 958th Attack Aviation Regiment, Hero of the Soviet Union Ivan Meylus.

Photograph: Aerocobra Vyacheslav Sirotin

Photo: Orel Mikhail Avdeev

Photo: Nikolai Proshenkov and his Airacobra

Photo: Vasily Emelianenko's plane

Photo: Yak-9B aircraft of the commander of the 168th IAP, Lieutenant Colonel Grigory Kogrushev.

Photo: Helm Aleksey Zakalyuk, 104th GvIAP

Photograph: Alexey Alelyukhin'due south airplane

Photo: Captain Georgy Urvachev (left)

Photo: Fighter pilot Vladimir Dmitriev

Photo: Aircraft of Senior Lieutenant Vasily Aleksukhin

Photo: Fedor Dobysh and Alexander Pomazunov in front of a Pe-two with a crocodile

Photo: Abrek Barsht's plane

Photograph: Nikolai Didenko'southward plane

Drawing drawings on gainsay aircraft during the Keen Patriotic War was non welcome, although they turned a blind center to this. Drawings on the fuselage began to be applied more ofttimes after the Battle of Kursk in 1943, when the initiative passed to the Ruby Army. Oftentimes, side by side to the image on the aeroplane, stars were seen according to the number of enemy aircraft shot down (for the beginning time, Spanish pilots began to do this). On Soviet aircraft, victories could be indicated by asterisks of several colors. A personal victory was marked in one colour, aircraft shot down in a group - in another.
There were cases when the fuselage was busy with the image of the "Gilded Star", received for a victory. Erstwhile traditions have also been preserved: the nose of a fighter sometimes resembled the mouth of a mythical monster. In general, drawings and emblems that frighten the enemy were often practical. For example, a dragon was depicted on the Yak-9 fighter Gugridze, a toothy rima oris was on the aeroplane of Georgy Kostylev.
At that place were no special rules for applying emblems. Each squadron had its ain customs. Some pilots had their ain emblem, others - a mutual i for everyone. Often the planes were decorated with cards or a certain conform. As a rule, it was an ace. It was ordinarily applied past distinguished pilots. So, the aces were drawn on the La-five aircraft past Alexander Pavlov, on the LaGG-iii by Yuri Shilov.
Those who managed to knock out the German aircraft of the famous squadron placed on the fighter an emblem of this squadron pierced by an arrow or entwined with a snake or another similar symbol. For case, the planes of the squadron of the 9th Guards Regiment, allowable past Alexei Alelyukhin, carried on the sides an emblem invented by the pilot Evgeny Dranishchev with a leopard tearing his heart. This indicated that the pilots had defeated the aces of 9 Staffel JG 52 (the eye under the cockpit was their distinguishing mark). Animals were often depicted on Soviet military machine shipping. Bird drawings were as well common. So, similar images were on the planes of such famous pilots equally Mikhail Avdeev, Vladimir Pokrovsky, Vyacheslav Sirotin. Symbolic images, such equally arrows and lightning bolts, were especially popular.

State of war is transient, but music is eternal!

They began to decorate aircraft with images almost immediately subsequently combat aviation appeared. It is believed that the get-go drawing applied to the fuselage of an shipping was the image of a ocean monster on the nose of an Italian flying boat in 1913.

Later, drawing a picture on an airplane was called olfactory organ art. Initially, the images on the planes resembled heraldic symbols, similar to those applied to the shields of the ancient knights. It is worth remembering the rearing stallion (cavallino rampante) of the Italian ace Francesco Baracchi. This coat of arms was later used past Ferrari.

Francesco Baraka posing in front of his plane!

Afterwards, the drawings on the aircraft became more diverse. For example, storks flaunted on the fuselages of French aircraft from Escadrille les Cigognes.

The almost popular nose art became in the US Air Force during World State of war 2. The initiators of the coloring of the aircraft were often not the pilots, but the personnel serving information technology. Pin-up had a dandy influence on the evolution of olfactory organ art in the U.s.. Then, the image of a naked pivot-up star of that era, Betty Grable, was emblazoned on many military machine aircraft. In the USSR, such liberties, of course, were not allowed, but the drawings on Soviet aircraft of that time were too distinguished past beauty and sophistication.

Drawings on the fuselage began to be applied more than often subsequently the Battle of Kursk in 1943, when the initiative passed to the Reddish Army. Often, next to the paradigm on the plane, stars were seen according to the number of enemy aircraft shot down (for the start time, Spanish pilots began to do this). On Soviet aircraft, victories could be indicated by asterisks of several colors. A personal victory was marked in one colour, aircraft shot down in a group - in another.

Many Soviet viewers were able to become acquainted with the drawings on airplanes thanks to the picture show "Merely "erstwhile men" go into battle". On the fuselage of the plane of the squadron commander Alexei Titarenko, played by Leonid Bykov, a musical staff was depicted. The prototype of notes is not accidental. Such a picture, for example, was on the plane of the Soviet attack pilot Vasily Emelianenko, who had a musical education.

The aeroplane of Vasily Emelianenko

Maestro himself!

Aircraft La-five Kostylev in the exposition of the Museum of Defense of Leningrad.

Captain Alexander Lobanov (left) and Major Alexander Pavlov next to the La-5FN, April 10, 1945

Lieutenant Zabiyaka G.I. against the background of the nominal Pe-ii of the 205th series. The inscription "Zabiyaka" is white, the lightning is yellow

Lieutenant Gennady Tsokolaev. On lath - the emblem "Guard"

Helm Alexander Nikolaevich Kilaberidze of the 65th GIAP in the cockpit of the Yak-nine, Belarus, June 1944

"Lionheart", LaGG-3 Lieutenant Yuri Shchipov, ninth Fighter Aviation Regiment of the Black Sea Armada Air Force.

Squadron commander of the 566th ShAP Hero of the Soviet Matrimony Vasily Mykhlik

The Il-2 "Avenger" was congenital at the expense of the chairman of the collective farm Grigor Tevosyan,

who had two brothers killed in the war. The airplane was flown past Nelson Stepanyan.

Georgy Baevsky (right) and mechanic Sobakin against the properties of the Yak-9U. 5 GvIAP. Spratau airfield, Germany. April 1945

On the tail of LAGG-3 Leonid Galchenko, instead of a red star, a black cat is depicted playing with a mouse.

1942 The cat was originally white

Malyutina Elena Mironovna and her swallow

Commander of the 180th Guards Fighter Stalingrad Red Banner Aviation Regiment

Major General Georgy Zakharov in the cockpit of the Yak-3. On the plane - George the Victorious,

piercing a serpent with the head of Goebbels. Jump 1945

Pilot of the 958th Assail Aviation Regiment, Hero of the Soviet Matrimony Ivan Meylus .

Aerocobra Vyacheslav Sirotin

Nikolai Proshenkov and his Airacobra

The Yak-9B aircraft of the commander of the 168th IAP, Lieutenant Colonel Grigory Kogrushev.

Captain Aleksey Zakalyuk, 104th GvIAP

Aleksey Alelyukhin'south airplane

Captain Georgy Urvachev (left)

Fighter airplane pilot Vladimir Dmitriev

Aircraft of Senior Lieutenant Vasily Aleksukhin

Fedor Dobysh and Alexander Pomazunov in forepart of a Pe-two with a crocodile

Abrek Barsht's aeroplane

The plane of Nikolai Didenko

Airplane of Vladimir Pokrovsky

The commander of the Cherbourg squadron of the Normandy regiment Marcel Lefevre and his Soviet comrades (technician-lieutenant Tarasov and senior sergeant Kolupaev) at the Yak-9 fighter No. fourteen

Eagle of Mikhail Avdeev

Agitation shipping Emmet-nine "Crocodile"

Squadron commander of the 5th Assault Regiment Hero of the Soviet Matrimony A. Putin earlier a sortie

Hero of the Soviet Matrimony Yard.D. Baranov (right) is congratulated on another victory. Stalingrad front. 1942

"For Zhenya Lobanov" (Air Strength of the Northern Fleet, Il-2, 1943)

Hero of the Soviet Marriage Helm A.D. Bilyukin in the cockpit of his personal aircraft "Alexander Nevsky"

The coiffure of the nominal reconnaissance aircraft of the 39th ORAP (from left to correct): commander I.M. Glyga, gunner-radio operator Yard.North. Semichev and navigator SP. Minaev

"For Volodya!" (32nd Guards IAP, Northwestern Front end, Yak-9, 1943)

Aircraft "Revenge of the Baranovs"

The crew of Major K. Ivantsov

Flight crew North.V. Baranov before the terminal flight earlier the surrender of the Germans.


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